Frame enlargement from This Side of Paradise in Movie Makers, July 1937, 337.
600 ft
"The prizewinner for color, 'This Side of Paradise,' was in Kodachrome and entered by A. Scott Moorhouse of Toronto, a member of the Toronto Amateur Movie Club. The locale of the subject was the Italian and Swiss mountains and lakes. The decision on color or rather the reaching of it constituted one of the committee's chief headaches. There were some remarkable examples submitted. Mr. Moorhouse has a right to feel proud of his product." American Cinematographer, Jan. 1938, 27.
Discussed in "Closeups" (Movie Makers, Feb. 1937, 60). Moorhouse's editing technique is also discussed in "The Clinic" (Movie Makers, July 1937, 337).
Shot using a Cine Kodak Special camera, and Kodachrome film (American Cinematographer, Jan. 1938, 27).
Accompanying musical compositions selected for a public screening of the film are listed in "Here's Complete Musical Scores for International Prize Winners" (American Cinematographer, Feb. 1938, 79-81).
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