Still image from This Land of Ours in Movie Makers, Dec. 1947, 514.
1600 ft
With music on disc and narrative.
"Edward F. Cross covered an extensive territory of national parks and vacation spots in the Southwest and Western sectors of the United States and has brought back an attractively filmed record of his tour. Unique rock formations have been pictured from well chosen vantage points to make the most of light and shadow. This Land of Ours is climaxed by particularly colorful units in a rodeo's grand parade and a dexterous camera handling of Indian dances. A full narrative indicates careful research to supplement the scenes on the screen." Movie Makers, Dec. 1947, 539.
Mentioned in "Summer, 1950: Among tense times, a promise of no rain." The Chautauquan Daily, June 22 & 23, 2013, B9.
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