Still from The Heavens Declare the Glory of God in Movie Makers, Dec. 1944, 477.
200 ft
"With the use of a time lapse device, S. G. Lutz has made, in The Heavens Declare the Glory of God, a highly competent record of clouds in motion. Although the subject, treated in a different manner, might easily become too static actually to constitute a true movie. Mr. Lutz has achieved a sure continuity and a sense of artistry that is unusual. In many instances, the film presents sequences of such an unusual kind as to be highly exciting and almost awe inspiring. Speeding the motion of the clouds creates, from the commonplace, a sense of eeriness and weird beauty. In many of the storm sequences, the motion is so greatly dramatized as to impart a nearly terrifying sense of impending disaster." Movie Makers, Dec. 1944, 496.
Discussed by Lutz in "A Time Lapse Device for Filming Clouds" (Movie Makers, Aug. 1945, 296-297, 307-308). The article shows various photographs and diagrams of the device Lutz used to make this film.
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