Image from Movie Makers, Dec. 1938, 597.
United States
1500 ft
With musical scoring for double turntable presentation.
"The Glory Road is a film story of flying fists and hard punching youngsters battling their way to the top of the amateur boxing world. It records, with amazing completeness and verity, the actual ring contests of the 1938 Golden Gloves championship fights. Taking up the story at the bottom of the ladder, Dr. Clifford Decker pictures the long grind of training, the whirl of preliminary elimination fights, the trip of a local picked team to New York for the semi finals and the eventual rise of a Binghamton boy to the Eastern championship after a victory in Madison Square Garden. A sizable accomplishment, this film is more than a mere record. The producer has added imagination and has built up a significant continuity with stirring crises. Although the vast bulk of material, necessary to make the document complete, rather overbalances the film and detracts from its pure motion picture value, The Glory Road is an extraordinary picture." Movie Makers, Dec. 1938, 618-619.
Discussed by Dr. Decker in "Filming a Winner" (Movie Makers, March 1939, 115, 128-129).
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