Screen capture of The Forgotten Frontier
United States
6000 ft
"The Forgotten Frontier, filmed by Miss Marvin Breckinridge, is the most ambitious amateur made welfare film yet recorded. To show the operation of the Kentucky Nursing Service, Miss Breckinridge spent several months filming in the mountain districts reached by that organization. With the cooperation of the mountain folk, she staged several short dramas, each demonstrating the usefulness of one of the centers or some phase of their work. The completed picture runs 6000 ft., 35mm., and, in spite of the numerous technical difficulties, it is excellently photographed." Movie Makers, Dec. 1930, 788.
Discussed under "amateur social problem filmmaking" in Charles Tepperman's Amateur Cinema: The Rise of North American Moviemaking, 1923-1960, 227-230. See also "Marvin Breckinridge." In Jane Gaines, Radha Vatsal, and Monica Dall’Asta, eds. Women Film Pioneers Project.
Library of Congress; U.S. National Library of Medicine