English, French
"The Suetonius Version is Stan Fox’s last 16mm amateur film. The story is about a university professor who is fascinated with one of his young female students." (Royal BC Museum)
This film was shot on the UBC campus, including in the closed stacks at the UBC Library.
"Excerpt from The Suetonius Version, 1952." Home Movies, Learning Portal, Royal BC Museum.
Private collection
[Transcription of opening credits:]
"Les Productions Volpones presentent
Une film Derriere-Garde
La Version Suetone (The Suetonius Version)
Ecrit et dirige par (by)
Monsieur Gerald Newman
et Monseigneur Stanley Foxe [sic]
Musique par Poulenc
{Dramatis personae}:
A professor of Latin - Gerald Newman, B.A.
A girl student - Miss I. Rossland, C.K.M.O.
A brute student - Master Bobby Dowding, B.Sc.
A psychiatrist - Mr. A. Wainman, B.A. Oxon
Et une femme - Mlle. J. Cates, H.Ec., P.N.S."