Still image from Song After Sorrow.
United States
2 reels (643 ft, 17 minutes 48 seconds)
"Documentary: Illustrates plight of leprosy victims before and after the opening of the Bibanga Leper Camp by missionaries." National Archives.
"Practical Films," Movie Makers, Nov. 1939, 559.
This film is one of ten produced by the Garners as part of the Africa Motion Picture Project of 1938, which was funded by church denominations and the Harmon Foundation (Movie Makers, Nov. 1939, 559).
Virginia Garner, Images Out of Africa: The Virginia Garner Diaries of the Africa Motion Picture Project, University Press of America, 2011.
This film is a part of the Harmon Foundation Collection held by National Archives.
Harmon Foundation Collection, National Archives
"Reel 1: Show's lepers begging for admission to overcrowded mission hospital; one dies at the gate. After camp opens, lepers arrive for care; ambulatory patients build homes for less fortunate ones; lepers weave, sew, make pottery, etc.; children at school and play. Reel 2: Lepers work on farm, and extract chaulmoogra oil used for treatment, from berries of trees," via National Archives.