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Image from Movie Makers, Dec. 1938, 597.

Date produced: 1938


Frank E. Gunnell

Country of Production:

United States




400 ft





Sound Notes:



ACL Ten Best 1938 - Honorable Mention General Class
American Cinematographer Amateur Movie Makers Contest, 1938 - Honorable Mention
American Humane Association Amateur Film Contest 1946 - Second Prize


"Shadow's Bones is all about Frank E. Gunnell's cocker spaniel, Shadow, and his annoying habit, common to most dogs, of leaving bones in all manner of places, where bones should not be, such as bath tubs, magazine racks, beds and other localities which are not really canine cupboards. With brilliantly accomplished black and white 16mm. cinematography, Mr. and Mrs. Gunnell, as cameraman and "support" for the chief actor, Shadow, have done what is still too rare in home movies — they have found the humor of home life, and of themselves as a part of it. The plan of this tale is simple, direct and is provided with a genial finish. The direction and acting, especially in persuading the recently acquired household pet to go through his part of the performance with naturalness and zest, are excellent. This sets a new mark in interest that can be given to family records, and the interior lighting is beyond criticism." Movie Makers, Dec. 1938, 620.


Discussed by Gunnell in "Filming a Dog's Life" (Movie Makers, March 1940, 114, 137-138).

The film was available in the ACL's Club Film Library.


  • Staten Island, N.Y. (Filming)





  • Screened by the Hartford Cinema Club in 1939: Hartford, CT
  • Screened by the Washington Society of Amateur Cinematographers in 1939: Washington, D.C.
  • Screened by the Metropolitan Motion Picture Club in 1939 and 1940: New York City, N.Y.
  • Screened by Russel C. Holslag for Macy's Photographic Forum in 1940: New York City, N.Y.
  • Screened by the Tri-City Cinema Club in 1940: Moline, IL
  • Screened by the Tri-City Cinema Club in 1940: Rock Island, IL
  • Screened by the Movie Makers Club of Oklahoma City in 1943: Oklahoma City, OK
  • Screened by the Philadelphia Cinema Club in 1944: Philadelphia, PA
  • Screened by the Tri-City Cinema Club in 1945: Davenport, IA

Do you know where this film is? Get in touch with us at amdb@ucalgary.ca.