Still from Sea Scout Training via EAFA
United Kingdom
430 ft
This film shows the 1st Norwich Sea Scouts as they prepare to represent Great Britain in the International Sea Scout Jamboree in Poland.
East Anglian Film Archive
"The film starts by reproducing the letter asking the 1st Norwich Sea Scouts to represent Great Britain in the International Sea Scout Jamboree in Poland. The Scout master discusses the invitation with the rest of the group and they agree to prepare for the event. They study a map of Europe to check they route.The next sequence shows the Sea Scout at their Headquarters on Wroxham Broad. After shots of the broad and a pleasure wherry, the Scouts prepare dinghies for sailing. They undergo flag drill, sail repairing and rope splicing. The Scouts train with canoes and kayaks and then pose for the camera. For swimming practice they swim a 3/4 mile course in the River Bure. The next theme shows several different forms of signalling. Morse flag, semaphore, international code flags and morse lamp. Between them, these demonstrations spell out, England expects every Scout to do his best in Poland. The Troop departs from Norwich Station and then we see them marching into Gilwell Park (Scout Headquarters) to camp. They board a train at Victoria Station and then embark at Dover. The final shots are of the Scouts on board and looking back towards the White Cliffs of Dover" (EAFA Database).