Still image from Rice.
3 reels
"Documentary: On peasant farm life in Korea, the rice crop and family labor." National Archives.
"'Rice,' a three reel subject in the educational class entered by F. C. Ells of Yokohama, Japan, demonstrated a fine appreciation of production and photographic values as well as how to combine it so as to make entertainment. Many were of the opinion that this picture, if it were in 35mm, would be worthy of professional theatre presentation." American Cinematographer, Dec. 1933, 321.
In "Ells Shares Honor" (American Cinematographer, Feb. 1934, 416) the filmmaker states that his wife, Ruth Ells, should share the honors that Rice received from amateur contests. The film's shooting location of Korea is also specified.
The Religious Motion Picture Foundation added Rice to its rental library in 1936 (Movie Makers, Dec. 1936, 530). This version of the film is titled Korean Farming: An Oriental Epic. The film is also referenced with the subtitle Rice: An Oriental Epic.
This film is a part of the Harmon Foundation Collection held by the National Archives. A copy of the film is also held by the American Geographical Society Library, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries.
Harmon Foundation Collection, National Archives
"R.1: Shows Kim, his wife and young son Kim and their working bull; Kim and laborers prepare ground for seeding, sew and fertilize by hand; men plant seedlings in flooded field. R.2: Primitive irrigation; men pray for rain; "devil posts" protect crop; Buddha overlooks field; harvest celebration; harvesting rice crop, and loading bulls and laborers with huge bundles. R.3: Harvesting and threshing rice; men thresh, prepare and cook rice cakes for celebration; Kim's large family; Kim fishes through ice; elder Kim's funeral procession; large Buddha overlooks the village and crop." Via National Archives.