Still image from Recreation Handmade in Movie Makers, Dec. 1949, 454.
650 ft
With music and narrative on wire recording.
"A joint project of the members of the Motion Picture Photography Class of the Westchester Workshop, in White Plains, N. Y., Recreation Handmade is notable for its evenness of camera work. It presents in a naturally episodic fashion various handiwork classes available to children and adults of the community. If you like to work with your hands, this film will make you eager to enroll in one of the many activities offered — which, of course, is the purpose of its production. A rather full commentary describes how the courses work. Walter Bergmann, as instructor of the motion picture course, proves with his pupils' film that practical movie making can be taught — and taught well." Movie Makers, Dec. 1949, 470-471.
Produced by the Motion Picture Photography Class of the Westchester Workshop in White Plains, N.Y.
Movie Makers (Sept. 1948, 366-367) specifies that Bergmann's course taught the fundamentals of amateur filmmaking over a ten week period. The Westchester County Recreation Commission sponsored the course.
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