United States
350 ft
"Pets, 350 ft., 16mm., filmed by Dr. F. S. O'Hara, won its position on the list of special mention because of the many remarkably well composed closeups of family pets that it contains and because of the cameraman's patience and skill in securing many delightfully natural bits of action. Included in the film is a sequence of a cat and dog playing together. The film offers much grace and photographic beauty as well as that amazing attractiveness animals always possess on the screen." Movie Makers, Dec. 1931, 686.
Dr. F. S. O'Hara writes on the making of "pet" and "menagerie" films in "Menagerie Movies" (Movie Makers, Feb. 1933, 61, 74).
Do you know where this film is? Get in touch with us at amdb@ucalgary.ca.