Still from Old Day at Home via EAFA
United Kingdom
120 ft
"Amateur filmmaker, cinema historian and railway engineer H.A.V. Bulleid documents a day in the life of the Bulleid family at Wood House on Hadley Common in Hertfordshire. In the morning, Marjorie Bulleid walks on the common with her two youngest boys and the family dogs, as trains pass by on the nearby Great Northern Railway Line. Returning home, the dogs continue playing in the backyard, where the family cook hand feeds a large cat. Later that morning, O.V.S. (Oliver) Bulleid takes the family on a leisurely drive through the highways and byways of Hertfordshire, returning home for afternoon tea in the backyard. After tea, the family play with their pets - dogs, cats and a turtle - and pose for photographs" (EAFA Database).
East Anglian Film Archive