Still from On Every Hand, in Movie Makers, May 1937, 224.
United States
400 ft
"On Every Hand, filmed by William L. Zeller, is one of those pictures, not infrequently found in the Ten Best selections, that make one marvel at the producer's infinite patience and deep knowledge of a special field. This is a study of those birds that can be found on every hand in the countryside and in the fields of America but which the average man fails to recognize, or even see, much less lovingly study as does Mr. Zeller. In this finished picture, there are many closeups made in the open of birds and their nests, which represent such a colorful variety of bird life as to give one something of a feeling of awe for the patience that Mr. Zeller must have exercised to catch the scenes. The picture is all in color, which brings a revelation of its own, and the continuity and titles are contrived to make an essentially record picture into good entertainment. For this quality, credit goes chiefly to the extremely well written titles and the editing." Movie Makers, Dec. 1936, 542.
Zeller discusses techniques for filming birds in "Advice from a Bird Filmer" (Movie Makers, May 1937, 224, 239-241).
"Before seeing On Every Hand, the polychrome bird study by William L. Zeller, ACL, we had no idea there could be so many beautiful birds in the world." Movie Makers, Dec. 1936, 565.
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