Production still from the making of Not One Word. Movie Makers, Jan. 1935, 17.
United States
1 reel (480 ft)
"Not One Word, by Kenneth F. Space, ACL, is an all around triumph of amateur photoplay production. It is a simple melodrama of the keeper of a lighthouse, his wife and the rejected suitor who returns. A wreck at sea (beautifully staged in miniature) is the complicating dramatic factor, and, with these ingredients, a dignified motion picture story of remarkable unity has been produced. In it, Mr. Space and his able staff have blended dramatic lighting, authentic settings and superb photography to achieve a distinguished whole. Under restrained but smoothly paced direction, the three leading players have enacted their roles with definite histrionic skill. If one were to try to select a single quality in the film which is outstandingly brilliant, the vote of this observer would be cast for the cutting. It is accurate and incisive, adding that last bit of dramatic "punch" which is perhaps the quality least often achieved by the amateur producer. Not One Word speaks for itself, but in the wordless and potent idiom of cinematic imagination." Movie Makers, Dec. 1934, 534.
Discussed by Kenneth F. Space in "Producing the Plot" (Movie Makers, Jan. 1935, 17, 34-37).
From the article: "Entire time spent on production—four months. Actual time in rehearsals and filming—three weeks. Film exposed—1750 feet. Length of finished picture—480 feet. Film used—panchromatic reversal. Photoflood bulbs burned out—43. Lighting units—4. Cost—approximately $125" (37).
Movie Makers (Nov. 1934, 468) lists production credits for the film.
The film was available in the ACL's Club Film Library.