200 ft
"Teenagers...embark on a space mission to explore Alpha Centauri, the second closest star to Earth. The film follows the astronauts during the preparation for their mission, their journey through space, and finally, their encounters with life on Alpha Centauri. The end of the film portrays the astronauts and the Alpha Centaurians coming together in a utopian gathering, complete with cheerleaders, a pony, and an astral princess." Andrea McCarty, http://oldfilm.org/content/mission-alpha-centauri-0
Part of the John Bannister Collection held by Northeast Historic Film. Film Archivist and Researcher Andrea McCarty wrote an article on Mission Alpha Centauri available at Northeast Historic Film
John Bannister Collection, Northeast Historic Film
" Mission: Alpha Centauri, with its space exploration and utopian themes, campy style, technology-filled mise-en-scene, and Kirk and Spock-like characters, seems heavily influenced by science fiction shows on network TV at the time, such as Lost in Space and Star Trek." Andrea McCarty, http://oldfilm.org/content/mission-alpha-centauri-0