Still from Milton Road Infant School via EAFA
United Kingdom
400 ft
A short film about the children and activities at the Milton Road infant school located in Cambridge.
East Anglian Film Archive
‘The film opens with shots of children in the playground. These opening shots give an indication that this is no 'fly on the wall' film. The children are clearly aware of the camera and play to it. They hold up exhibits, jars and flowers, to the camera. They file into school where they meet for the morning assembly. They sing a hymn and say a prayer. The head mistress congratulates those who have birthdays and presents them with rosettes. The children leave for their classrooms. One group has a scripture lesson outside on the grass. Another group works at their desks at a variety of tasks; reading and writing, knitting and model making. Some are sitting in and working in groups. A small group is taught by the teacher. The caption describes this as 'personal tuition' but it doesn't meet the modern idea of this. A lengthy sequence shows a physical education lesson in the playground. Some children play with balls, skipping ropes and hoops. There is a game of nine-pins. Another lengthy sequence shows the arrival of the school milk and its distribution and consumption. Some children are filmed having a mid-day rest. Then they are given cod liver oil. Some actually manage to smile for the camera. In a staged scene they raise their hands to ask for more. Some play in the sand pit. The last sequence shows a road crossing drill on Milton Road’ (EAFA Database).