Still image from Listen—It's FM! in Movie Makers, March 1942, 108.
800 ft
Sound on film.
"After looking at advertising films for many years, we have reached the point where we can take them or leave them alone — but this film took us. Although presented by the General Electric Company as a sales picture, this film is really an important educational document, and it holds one's attention every minute. Camera work and sound are, of course, excellent, and the sections of the film that are illustrated by animated diagrams, to show exactly what FM (Frequency Modulation) really is, are extremely well done. We have little or no radio knowledge, but the film was so clear and concise that we not only want an FM set when the war is over, but we know why. Special mention must go to the writer of the sound commentary, for the production of an excellent narrative. We can only hope that other companies that use movies commercially will follow the high standards of quality and good taste set by this film, for its advertising is both subtle and completely inoffensive. Listen—It's FM! deserves a top score in every respect, for continuity, cinematography and sound all combine to form a perfect film." Movie Makers, Dec. 1942, 506-507.
Produced by the Sales Education Section of the General Electric Company.
Discussed in "Practical Films" (Movie Makers, March 1942, 108), where production credits are listed. Also reviewed in "Free Film Reviews" (Movie Makers, March 1942, 130).
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