Still from Jubilee Celebrations at Clopton Hall Farm via EAFA
United Kingdom
215 ft
A film showing the Brooke family and their Jubilee Celebrations.
East Anglian Film Archive
"The first scenes of this film show a group of men building a large, four-storey bonfire. The men climb the bonfire in order to build the top. The next scenes show a family in a garden, apparently inspecting the vegetables. A man hoists a Union Flag up a flag pole. A watching crowd stand and cheer. A group of men then erect a marquee. Cars and lorries approach the farm, some of them bringing people to the Jubilee Celebrations. There are side stalls, one of which carries a banner God Save The King. Children arrive at the farm, some of them accompanied by nurses. People from the village arrive also. The house can be seen in the background. There are scenes of people gathered around a stall and generally milling around. The Brooke family 'christen' their new lorry 'Jubilee' to commemorate the occasion. A woman breaks a bottle against the van and it drives out of the garage to cheering crowds. A group of women wash up and this section of the film ends abruptly as a crowd begins to gather" (EAFA Database).