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"Grand Rapids Movie Makers producing 'Hooked', a comedy" Movie Makers, Nov. 1934, 468.

Date produced: 1934


Walter Mills

Wendell Patton

M. P. Gamber

L. Thorny

Production credits:

Country of Production:

United States




200 ft





Sound Notes:



ACL Ten Best 1934
American Cinematographer Amateur Movie Makers Contest, 1934 - Honorable Mention


"Hooked, an 8mm. comedy by the Grand Rapids Movie Makers, was intended as a straight drama of the trout streams. It has ended, however, as a delightful farce of a movie club trying desperately to complete such a picture — and is probably the better because of this mid production metamorphosis. For, although the first and original section of the picture is wholly charming and well photographed, it is in the latter section that the film picks up spirit, sparkle and definite dramatic power. It is in this part that the producers have conceived and executed a number of cinematic coups, climaxing them with a stunning multiple exposure sequence probably never before equalled or even approached in this medium. Walter Mills, ACL, L. Thorny, ACL, M. P. Gamber and Wendell Patton, of the Grand Rapids club, continue and enhance, with this film, their rightful reputation as most able advocates of 8mm." Movie Makers, Dec. 1934. 534.


Production credits are listed in Movie Makers (Sept. 1933, 388-389).

The film is also discussed by Gamber in "How Do You Use Your Movie Camera?" (Ciné-Kodak News, May-June 1935, 7). This article includes still images from the film, and notes that it was shot using a Ciné-Kodak Eight, Model 60.

Club Affiliation:

Movie Makers of Grand Rapids






  • Screened by the Metropolitan Motion Picture Club at the Hotel Pennsylvania in 1934: New York City, N.Y.
  • Screened by the Chicago Cinema Club on "8mm. night" in 1935: Chicago, IL
  • Screened by the Movie Group of the Telephone Camera Club of Manhattan in 1935: Manhattan, N.Y.
  • Screened by the Los Angeles 8mm. Club in 1936: Los Angeles, CA

Do you know where this film is? Get in touch with us at amdb@ucalgary.ca.