Still from Honorary Degrees Day Procession via EAFA
United Kingdom
95 ft
"This film shows the Procession to the Senate House for the presentation of Honorary degrees at Cambridge King's College" (EAFA Database).
East Anglian Film Archive
"A man takes a photograph of proceedings and two people watch from the balcony. There is a close-up shot of the procession going into the Senate House. Undergraduates are filmed on Kings Parade with Kings College in the background. Kenneth King is filmed with his mother. There are shots of a tea party in a college garden. The honorary Degree Party leaves the Senate House. They pose for a photograph. There is a shot of some cars. One of them has a notice in the window for the Imperial Conference, 1937. A man, possibly the Australian Premier, Joseph Lyons, smiles for the camera and gets into a car that drives off" (EAFA Database).