Still image of a pulled rickshaw in the film from the PSA Journal, Oct. 1963, 40.
610 ft
Sound on tape.
"The Hong Kong of today is still one of the most beautiful cities in the world, but under fer facade of sparkling beauty lies poverty, disease, and hunger. Crowded to the point of bursting, housing, sanitation and food cannot keep pace with the stream of humanity pouring into the city. Beautifully photographed, we see the people living their daily lives in make-shift shelters, on sampans, on top of buildings and on every square foot of available space. You can see the hunger and fear in their eyes, yet there is smiling acceptance, with hope for the future. The narrator's voice is full of compassion, yet recognizes the dignity of these work-worn, deprived people. Seeing the children, in their happy innocence and lack of concern for a desperate situation, "Hong Kong can break your heart!" PSA Journal, Oct. 1963, 40.
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