Still from Hands That Work In The Dark in Movie Makers, Dec. 1940, 577.
800 ft
With music and narrative to be read during projection.
"It is a striking gesture to employ the one medium which depends upon the sense of sight to aid the cause of the blind. This is what Jack L. Krapp has done in his comprehensive movie, Hands that Work in the Darkness, a thoroughgoing presentation of the unusual work being done for the sightless by the Cleveland Society for the Blind. The film is of generous length, yet, because of Mr. Krapp's special skill in maintaining interest through choice of viewpoint and because of the absorbing subject matter, it holds the attention throughout. Appropriate musical background, together with the delivery of a well composed spoken narrative, further enhances the presentation of the subject. Mr. Krapp's interior lighting work is very well done, and he seems to be able to take large or small interiors in his stride. A notable section of the film includes the recording of a play, performed by blind actors on a full sized stage. This is an excellent record film and a splendid achievement in its field." Movie Makers, Dec. 1940, 602.
Krapp reported to Movie Makers (Nov. 1941, 499, 518) that the film was recently screened ten times for a total of 2,770 people, and that all proceeds from the screenings were forwarded to welfare work for the blind.
Discussed by W. Ward Marsh in "Cleveland Paper Describes Local Moviemaker" (American Cinematographer, May 1940, 221 [originally published in Cleveland Plain Dealer]). The article details Krapp's plans for the film, and offers historical information regarding the Cleveland Society for the Blind.
Discussed in "Practical Films" (Movie Makers, July 1940, 336), as well as "Closeups" (Movie Makers, April 1941, 154).
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