Still image from Doghouse Blues in Movie Makers, May 1947, 192.
330 ft
"In spite of the almost insurmountable difficulties in using feet to portray much of the action and most of the emotion in a movie, E. H. Sparks has managed to make Doghouse Blues completely comprehensible. A delightful farce of a bibulous fisherman, the story makes judicious use of the angler's big toe to denote thirst, hunger and any other emotion which might master a man on a solo weekend. Colorful scenes of inlets and bays, as well as attractive sequences of fishing craft, imbue the film with a flavor of authenticity. In satiric repetition, his indignant wife trails the tippling angler to the secluded spot where his boat rides at anchor, there to find him "taking the long count." A rude awakening for the errant husband and an eminently suitable final scene close the picture." Movie Makers, Dec. 1946, 471.
Discussed by Sparks in "Filming is Fun" (Movie Makers, May 1947, 192, 206-208). In the article, the filmmaker describes how the film was compiled from various shooting locations over a period of years.
The film won first award in a Bristol Cinema Club film contest in 1946 (Movie Makers, Dec. 1946, 476).
The film was available in the ACL's Club Film Library.
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