United States
1 reel (400 ft)
"Bringing Kodacolor indoors was the task E. M. Barnard, ACL, set for himself in Christmas 1933, and the result is a 400 foot reel of very charming Christmas studies. One of the few attempts at a complete personal story in color, this picture presents a well photographed and adequately planned film of the youngsters' enjoyment of the holiday. Exposure for interior Kodacolor seems to be no problem to Mr. Barnard, for the majority of his scenes have perfect color rendition as well as very effective and interesting lighting. Some of the studies of his small daughter have an appealing loveliness that is impossible to get in black and white, for they present the very delicate flesh tones with perfect faith as well as the colors of costumes and incidental Christmas background. This film marks a new step in personal indoor filming and leads the way to more extensive use of the color medium by artificial light." Movie Makers, Dec. 1934, 546.
This film is also referred to as Christmas 1932, Christmas, and A Christmas Story in different publications.
Noted for its Kodacolor interior shooting in Movie Makers (July 1934, 306).
Discussed briefly in "Christmas in Kodachrome" (Movie Makers, Dec. 1947, 616, 632).
Do you know where this film is? Get in touch with us at amdb@ucalgary.ca.