United States
800 ft
"Among the ten best, Century of Progress, in Kodacolor, by Herbert H. Johnson, ACL, is a striking illustration of the degree of perfection that color motion picture photography has attained. Its studied angles and dignified composition are augmented by excellent photography. Mr. Johnson paid careful attention to the very important point of exact exposure in relation to color value and, as a result, brought a new version of the Fair to the one who had never seen it in color before. By taking plenty of time he was able to single out the best camera positions and wait for the lighting that was most favorable. The excellent handling of the camera brought a sense of intimacy to each scene. The film's only fault is an excessive use of lap dissolves which detracted somewhat from the smoothness of the continuity." Movie Makers, Dec. 1933, 499.
A Century of Progress was a World's Fair held in Chicago in 1933 and 1934.
Herbert Johnson writes on filming at World's Fairs in "The Fair's Second Year" (Movie Makers, 1934, 240, 254).
Do you know where this film is? Get in touch with us at amdb@ucalgary.ca.