Still from Bohemian Baloney in Movie Makers, Dec. 1944, 476.
100 ft
"Werner Henze has shown in Bohemian Baloney that artists can make fun of themselves and their profession. An artist and his wife had planned to have a quiet evening at the movies when a telephone call warns of a visit by a wealthy prospective buyer of pictures and her meek husband. How the young couple suddenly transform their own characters and their tasteful and immaculate living room into a scene of "arty" surroundings is gaily depicted with just the right amount of farce. The compositions and lighting are excellent and there are gay, unexpected twists throughout, particularly when a self portrait of the artist comes to life." Movie Makers, Dec. 1944, 495.
Discussed by Henze in "Filming a Farce" (Movie Makers, Nov. 1945, 426-427, 440-441). The article discusses the film's production and shows storyboard sketches.
The film was "Movie of the Month" in Home Movies for January of 1944. The film receives a feature with a write-up and still images in Home Movies (Jan. 1944, 15, 28-30).
The film won second award in an Amateur Motion Picture Club of St. Louis members' film contest in 1944 (Movie Makers, Oct. 1944, 398).
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