Image from Auntie In Moccasins. Movie Makers, Dec. 1941, 538.
400 ft
With music on disc.
"Take a movie camera and a sense of humor on a camping trip, and you may be able to produce something like Auntie in Moccasins. If you do as well as Joseph J. Harley has done, you will have a picture that will be a welcome surprise to any home movie audience. Auntie (played by a young man in the Charley's Aunt vein) is a maiden lady of early vintage who has been invited to go on a camping trip with her nephew and his girl friend. Her misadventures in the woods and on the water make up the body of the film. But, in spite of mosquitoes, in spite of falling out of a canoe and nearly dying of pneumonia. Auntie becomes a convert of the out of doors and, in the last shots, safely back home, she is seen treasuring a bottle of mosquito lotion. Auntie will try it again. The sequence of Auntie's rescue from the lake by the two youngsters is beautifully handled. The acting is convincing and the camera work outstanding throughout." Movie Makers, Dec. 1941, 541.
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