9 minutes 24 seconds
2. Hisar Kısa Film Yarışması [The 2nd Hisar Short Film Contest]
Sinematek Dijital Sinema Kütüphanesi [Sinematek Digital Cinema Library]
“Samim Kocagöz’ün “Teneke” adlı eserinden uyarlanmıştır. İşgüzar bir bekçinin uzun ve yorucu bir kovalamacanın ardından, yoksulluğunun gerçek yüzüyle karşılaşmasının öyküsüdür.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/asayis-berkemal-1967-2/ (15 Oct 2019).
“Adapted from Samim Kocagöz’s short story, “Teneke.” It tells the story of a meddlesome watchman/night guard, who faces the reality of poverty after a long and tiring chase.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/asayis-berkemal-1967-2/ (15 Oct 2019).
Soner, Ahmet. “Tarihçe”. Belgesel Sinema, (Spring-Summer 2003) Vol: 3.
The film plot reveals two (main) characters, one of whom is a poor proletarian featured by Erdal Özyağcılar—a conservatory student at that time. Today, Özyağcılar is a professional Turkish actor—popular both in and outside the country, especially for his appearance in Yabancı Damat (2004-2007). Yabancı Damat [The Foreign Groom], an example of the Turkish television genre—dizi, was broadcasted in the United Arab Emirates as well as many Balkan countries, such as Greece and Serbia.
Samim Kocagöz is a well-known, multi-award winner Turkish author and novelist. Some of his works were translated into Bulgarian, German, and Russian. Kacagöz and his literary corpus are associated with the social realist movement in Turkish prose.