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Still image of Antzar Eguna

Date produced: 1984


Miguel Ángel Quintana

Production credits:

Country of Production:

Basque Country


Euskera, Spanish







Sound Notes:



First award in the II Ethnological Cinema Contest of the Autonomous Communities, Huesca, 1985.
First award in the VIII National Contest Villafranca del Penedes, 1985.
Second award in the reportage-documentary category of the V National Amateur Cinema Contest Ciutat de Valls, 1987.
Filmoteca Vasca list of titled amateur films / Basque Films Project.


Documental sobre la Fiesta del Ganso en Lekeitio. Dentro de las fiestas y tradiciones de Euskalherria, el Antzar Eguna de Lekeitio destaca por su gran poder de convocatoria. Las cuadrillas de mozos acompañados de charagas que amenizan el acto, conducen a la popa de sus botes al líder de cada grupo hasta el ganso, que amarrado por sus patas cabeza abajo, cuelga de una soga que cruza el puerto. Mediante tirones de esta soga, los mozos agarrados al cuello de los gansos, son izados una y otra vez hasta arrancar la cabeza del animal o caer al agua agotados. Esta singular e insólita fiesta ha despertado gran polémica entre sus detractores y seguidores. Actualmente los gansos que se emplean están muertos o son de plástico.
Texto de Miguel Ángel Quintana

Documentary about the Goose Celebration in Lekeitio. Among the celebrations and traditionsof Euskalherria, the Antzar Eguna of Lekeitio is one of the most attractive events. The troops go accompanied by musicians, and they lead the group leader towards their boats' stern until reaching a goose that is tied upside down by its legs, hanging from a rope that crosses the port. By pulling the rope, the participants hang on to the gooses neck, and are raised over and over again until they tear the goose's head or they fall to the water exhausted. This singular and unusual celebration has produced controversy between followers and detractors. Currently the gooses employed are either dead or made of plastic.
Text by Miguel Ángel Quintana.


  • Lekeitio, Spain (Filming)






Filmoteca Vasca/ Basque Film Archive


  • II Ethnological Cinema Contest of the Autonomous Communities, 1985 : Huesca, Spain
  • VIII National Contest Villafranca del Penedes, 1985 : Catalonia, Spain
  • V National Amateur Cinema Contest Ciutat de Valls, 1987: Tarragona, Spain
  • XV Sessions of Amateur Cinema, Organized by the Conquense Association of Amateur Cinema, 1986 :

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