250 ft
format unknown
"Among the pictures awarded Honorable Mention is An Evening at Home, by Arthur E. Ojeda, ACL, a rare achievement in film planning — the family picture of interest outside the family. In it the father arrives home from his work and is greeted by the children. Soon, after the bedtime story, they toddle off upstairs, leaving the domestic stage clear for the grownups' dinner and the subsequently arriving neighbors. There follow a shaker of friendly drinks and a session of jigsaw puzzling after which the guests depart. The last lights go out and the film is over. Mr Ojeda's treatment of this theme is clearly sequenced, told without titles and mostly in closeups. Honorable mention was well deserved by the definite interest which he brought to the subject. With more perfect technical execution, an even greater honor might have been won by this family film." Movie Makers, Dec. 1934, 546.
Noted for its closeup technique in Movie Makers (Nov. 1933, 446).
The film was available in the ACL's Club Film Library.
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