Still image from Aldeburgh and District Scenes via EAFA.
United Kingdom
310 ft
"Scenes shot around Aldeburgh and the surrounding neighbourhood during the late 1920s" (EAFA Database).
This film is held by the East Anglian Film Archive, Norwich, UK.
East Anglian Film Archive
"The film begins with scenes showing the coast and town in winter. There are shots of the rough sea, of snow on the beach and the bathing huts and of a person skiing along the street. After these scenes there are shots of boys and girls in scout and guide uniforms on parade outside the Moot Hall. At Yoxford there is a parade of nineteenth century costumes by members of the W.I. Back at Aldeburgh there are shots of the mayor on the balcony of the Moot Hall and then scenes from the Empire Day Celebrations that include schools pupils 'breaking the flag' and girls dancing. There are lengthy scenes shot on the golf course. These show both men and women playing golf and then collecting trophies. Two people are seen diving and swimming from a raft at sea. Shots from a fete or garden party follow. The next sequence shows a parade of Catholic clergy and nuns along the cliffs at Dunwich. Finally there are scenes of an Aldeburgh Carnival showing the Carnival Queen descending the steps of the Moot Hall and of the procession setting off around the streets of Aldeburgh" (EAFA Database).