E-mail us: amdb@ucalgary.ca

Genç Sinema Grubu

Alternate Name:

[Young Filmmakers Group, The]


Şişli, Istanbul/Turkey

Associated Filmmaker/People:

Artun Yeres

Ahmet Soner

Jak Şalom

Muammer Özer

Alava Cinema Section

Associated Films:

Amigo Enemigo [Friend Enemy] ()

Villa de Corres [Corres Village] (1983)

Día de rally, Un [A day of rally] ()

Laderas de Izkiz [Hillsides of Izkiz] ()

Villar, El ()

Olga ()

Cita, La. [The date] ()

Márgenes del Duero [Douro Margins] (1971)

Rótula, La [The ball joint] ()

Álava Deportiva [Sports in Alava] ()

Santo Patrón [Patron Saint] ()

3er Cross Popular Vitoria-Gasteiz [3rd Popular Cross Vitoria-Gasteiz] ()

Senderos de Ilusión [Paths of Hope] ()

Agua Viva [Living Water] ()

Lechera, La [The milkmaid] ()

Amateur Theatre Guild



Associated Filmmaker/People:

Lauren Kenyon Woods

Violet McClure Woods

Zine Kluba Azkue / Cine Club Azkue

Cine Club Rentería


Errentería, Gipuzkoa.

Associated Films:

Fuerza y Alegría [Strength and Joy] (1965)

Madrid 64 (1964)

Mendietan [In the mountains] (1965)

Primavera [Spring] (1965)

Boston Amateur Cinema League

Sección de Cine del Consejo de Cultura [Cinema Section of the Culture Council]


Álava, Spain

Associated Filmmaker/People:

Eloy González Gavilán

José Ramón Aguirrezabal

Cooperativa de Cine Marginal [Marginal Cinema Cooperative]

Associated Filmmaker/People:

Paco Ignacio Taibo II

Eduardo Carrasco Zanini

Gabriel Retes

Associated Films:

Otro País [Another Country] (1972)

Nosotros sí existimos [We do exist] (1972)

Purity Players, The

Alternate Name:

The Purity Players of Yale University


New Haven, Connecticut

Associated Filmmaker/People:

S. Winston Childs, Jr.

William M. Hinkle

Associated Films:

Steppes of Silence (1926)

Passion’s Toll (1925)

Tom Jones (1927)

Munich Amateur Film Club


Munich, Germany

Associated Films:

Amateur Film Club Visits Dachau, 1942 (1942)

Total Pages: 87