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Satellites, The

Year Founded:



Brooklyn, New York, USA

Film Formats:



The founded date is the earliest mention.

"The Satellites in Brooklyn, N. Y., are finishing their first production, a two-reel comedy entitled "Blind Man's Bluff." The plot is built around the incidents in the initiation of a fraternity candidate who is forbidden to speak to anyone during initiation week. The Satellites have not yet made plans for their next production. Club members now number thirty. Murray London is president and Jesse Cohen is cameraman." (Gale 319)

Selected references:

Gale, Arthur L. "Amateur Clubs," Movie Makers 3, no. 6 (1928): 390:391, 410:411.

Gale, Arthur L. "Amateur Clubs," Movie Makers 4, no. 2 (1929): 100:101, 118-119.

Gale, Arthur L. "Amateur Clubs," Movie Makers 4, no. 3 (1929): 158:159, 190-193.

Gale, Arthur L. "Amateur Clubs," Movie Makers 4, no. 5 (1929): 300:301, 339:345.

Gale, Arthur L. "Amateur Clubs," Movie Makers 5, no. 2 (1930): 97, 116:121.

Moore, James W. "Amateur Clubs," Movie Makers 7, no. 10 (1932): 435, 451:454.

Frequent references thereafter.