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Petite Movie Makers Club of Toledo, The

Alternate Name:

Petite Movie Makers Club

Year Founded:



Toledo, Ohio, USA


"Toledo, Ohio, and Syracuse, New York, each organized an amateur motion picture club during the last month. The Toledo organization is to be known as the "Petite Movie Makers Club," has purchased a club camera, and is busy making film tests and short scenes for study. The members are designing and constructing their own lights and expect soon to start work on the production of "Romance Island," a desert island story. Location will be near Lake Erie. The officers elected were : W. H. Pamplin, president and managing director; I. D. Lawrence, secretary; D. L. Lawrence, treasurer ; Howard J. Lawrence, art director, and Maurice V. Bonham, film editor." ("Closeups" 29)

"The comedy cast of the Petite Movie Makers Club of Toledo, Ohio, under the direction of its president, W. H. Pamplin, photography by Ira Lawrence, of the Amateur Cinema League, is producing a series of one-reel comedy subjects featuring the adventures of two tramps. Our departmental photograph, this month, shows a riotous moment from the Toledo side-splitter. Serious work is also to the credit of this live club. A film study of dance rhythm has been completed within the last few weeks, using the grounds of the Toledo Yacht Club as setting." (48)


"Closeups," Amateur Move Makers 2, no. 3 (1927): 29:30.

Gale, Arthur L. "Amateur Clubs," Amateur Movie Makers 2, no. 11 (1927): 36, 48.