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Norfolk Photographic Club

Year Founded:



Norfolk, Virginia, USA


"A CLUB embracing all amateur photographic activity to be known as the Norfolk Photographic Club has been formed at Norfolk, Virginia. The club holds semimonthly meetings, presenting programs including talks on motion picture and still photography, the screening of member's films and the exhibition of still photographs. Lighting demonstrations of value to both branches of photography were held at the last meeting. Club officers are : Edward A. Whaley, president, J. F. Trevillian, vice-president, H. D. Vollmer, secretary, and P. S. Kagley, treasurer. Other members of the executive committee are: E. A. Gaffey, H. W. Gillen and J. F. Conway." (Gale 484)


Gale, Arthur L. "Amateur Clubs," Movie Makers 3, no. 7 (1928): 456:457, 482:485.