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Mohawk Valley Cine Club, The

Year Founded:



Utica, New York, USA

Film Formats:



"An active amateur photoplay producing club, not yet named, has been formed in Utica, N. Y. A constitution has been adopted and the work of organization finished. Previous to organization the members of the club had produced a one-reel burlesque. "The Trail of the Lonesome Spine." The club's first production will be a western, to be called "Shorty Makes the Grade." The plot is simple but well constructed, and furnishes many excellent opportunities for interesting shots and cinematic effects. Edwin F. Bailey will have charge of the photoplay; the leads will be played by George Lavalier, Earl Ross and George Purcell." (Gale 312)

"THE Mohawk Valley Cine Club has been chosen as the name of the Utica, N. Y., amateur movie unit. At a recent business meeting Fred Durdan was chosen president; Ray Ward, vice-president; Elizabeth Durdan, secretary; Edwin Bailey, treasurer; and Harry Kempf as director of the forthcoming production, "Shorty Makes the Grade."" (Gale 484)


Gale, Arthur L. "Amateur Clubs," Movie Makers 3, no. 7 (1928): 456:457, 482:485.

Gale, Arthur L. "Amateur Clubs," Amateur Movie Makers 3, no. 5 (1928): 310:312.

Gale, Arthur L. "Amateur Clubs," Movie Makers 4, no. 1 (1929): 854:856, 889:891.