La Jolla, California, USA
"FROM La Jolla, Calif., comes news of one of the oldest amateur motion picture clubs. The La Jolla Cinema League, formed in the summer of 1926, has produced one photoplay each summer since its organization. On April 1 work was started on the production of the club's newest picture, "Uninvited Guests," a mystery play to be filmed on 16mm stock. The finished production is planned to be about twelve hundred feet in length, over eight hundred feet of which will be shot in interiors with the aid of three arcs and a spotlight, using an / 1.8 lens. The scenario calls for several double exposures and one triple-exposure effect. The interior sets have been especially prepared for this picture, and it is expected that eight weeks will be required for production. A cast of twelve will be used. The 1927 production of this club, "Consuelo di Capri," an Italian romance, was presented for the benefit of the Mississippi flood relief and netted two hundred dollars at the one performance. The productions are directed by Mrs. R. G. S. Berger, the scenarios are adapted by Mrs. Elizabeth Adams, and the photography is by P. H. Adams, member of the Amateur Cinema League." (Gale 311-312)
"Members of the La Jolla Cinema League, La Jolla, Calif., are constructing a 16mm step printer and building the necessary racks so that the club can make experiments in developing its productions" (Gale 411)
Gale, Arthur L. "Amateur Clubs," Movie Makers 3, no. 6 (1928): 390:391, 410:411.
Gale, Arthur L. "The tools of their art," Movie Makers 4, no. 1 (1929): 853, 889:896.
Gale, Arthur L. "Amateur Clubs," Movie Makers 4, no. 5 (1929): 300:301, 339:345.