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Caribbean Club Dramatic Society, The

Year Founded:



Maracaibo, Venezuela

Film Formats:



"THE Caribbean Club Dramatic Society in Maracaibo, Venezuela, has just completed the production of the "Scarlet Woman," a 1200 ft. 16 mm. drama of mystery and intrigue. Several 1000 watt mercury vapour lamps supplemented by a battery of spots were used in shooting interior scenes. Miniature models were built for complicated effects. The production was directed by W. F. Stewart-Singer and photographed by John S. Ridley who also wrote the script. The leads were played by Elaine Hall and Norman McLeod. Freda Webb wrote and designed the titles. The members of the Caribbean Club Dramatic Society are officials on the staff of the Caribbean Petroleum Company and the picture will be screened at the various clubs of this company and the Dutch Shell Company at the oil fields in South America. It will also be projected for the British and American colonies in Venezuela. The first production of this active club was a farce also running 1200 ft.. 16 mm., entitled "Mary and Mike." Local scenery was used as a background for a plot dealing with pirates and revenue men."

The founded date is the earliest mention.


Gale, Arthur L. "Amateur Clubs," Movie Makers 3, no. 11 (1929): 716:717.