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Barnum Players of Chicago, The

Year Founded:



Chicago, Illinois, USA

Film Formats:



The founded date is the earliest mention.

"The Barnum Players of Chicago - have recently finished the production of a four hundred foot 16 mm. melodramatic burlesque entitled "Prunella". The scenes were shot at Lakeside, Michigan, Letitia V. Barnum acting as director and D. William Gibson, League member, as camerman. The story was laid in the gardens of a private home and panchromatic film was used throughout. Fades, dissolves and many cinematic shortcuts were introduced to tell a fairly complicated story in a short length of film. The scenario is developed around the life of Prunella who lives with three maiden aunts. Prunella elopes with one of a straying band of mummers and is saved from her aunts' vengeance by the fortuitous intervention of a statue in the garden that appears to come to life. The film is now being edited and titled and will shortly be presented publicly in Lakeside." (Gale 618)


Gale, Arthur L. "Amateur Clubs," Movie Makers 3, no. 9 (1928): 578:579, 617:619.