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Amateur Group in Grosse Point Park

Year Founded:



Grosse Point Park, Michigan, USA

Film Formats:


Associated Filmmakers/People:

Jack Navin


"FOUR productions are already to the credit of an ambitious, youthful, amateur group in Grosse Point Park, Mich., working under the leadership of Jack Navin. Their last picture. Sophistication, 400 ft., 16mm., has been submitted to Photoplay's contest. The story is a modernized Cinderella tale wherein Prince Charming is a tabloid newspaper. The lead is delightfully handled by Elizabeth Sutherland with perhaps an unconscious satire of professional roles of this type. The group is now producing Alimony Mary, in which Catherine Anne Currie is playing the lead. The plot concerns the back stage life of a dancing team. Previous pictures are The Tragedy. The Devereau Diamond, There's No Place Like Home and The Maelstrom, the latter running 1200 ft.. 16mm., and based upon the effect of the world war on a group of young people. In the cast of this feature were Theodore Newman, Elizabeth Sutherland, Margaret Newman, Virginia Simmons, William Laurie and Jack Navin. Photography and direction of all productions of the Grosse Point Park unit are to the credit of Jack Navin." (Gale 676)


Gale, Arthur L. "Amateur Clubs," Movie Makers 4, no. 10 (1929): 652:653, 673:677.